I Didn't See Any Alligators
Summer was busy, September was busy, and now I'm just tired. I've been itching to blog, and apparently the best time to do this is at midnight on a Thursday. I've got so many things I want to post, however it's hard to find a way of taking pictures, editing, writing and uploading. There are a few things I want to upload in the weeks/months leading up to Christmas and hopefully I'll get back into a routine now that I'm spending more time indoors on the weekend. I just wanted to write a little update, mainly for myself to get my head around things a little.
Florida was great, I saw everything you'd expect to see on a summer trip to the Southern state. Thunderstorms, theme parks, beach-side resorts and the endless choices of fast food. The only thing missing was alligators. In the 6 (?*) times that I've been there, this has been the first that I didn't see a single one. Nevermind though, I ate my weight in McDonald's apple pies so it was made up for. My time in the states ended with a chicken burger in Dallas after the first of our connecting flights.
Straight after Florida I was thrown back into school, a new form, new schedule and a huge new pressure- the imminent GCSE's. I dropped art for textiles, am loving history, French and English, and as always I'm hating Science. Other than that and the usual bitchiness and unnecessary drama, school has been OK.
Not much more to say, other than I've finally got a gym membership and I'm going regularly, hopefully this post can give some insight to the chaos that is currently my muddled brain
-Liz x
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